6 Ways a Cottage Office Improves Your Work

Not as many people are required to show up at a company office anymore. Many are free to work from home. But as many people are finding out, it can be difficult to find a good space to work. You can only work from the kitchen table or bedroom floor for so long before your back aches or your housemates get frustrated. Even with a separate room in the house where you can create an office, it can still be tough to focus.

1. A cottage shed can help boost your productivity.

When you work at an office outside your home, you spend unproductive time commuting. When you work inside your home, you get distracted by other activities. Leaving your house – without leaving your property – allows you to concentrate on the task at hand.

2. A cottage shed can help you focus.

Having a dedicated office without the noise and disruption of coworkers is a working paradise. It’s like daily solitude, allowing you to do deep and focused work with nobody interrupting you.

3. A cottage shed gets you out of the house.

When you don’t step out of the house in the morning, it can be tough to switch into work gear. That’s the one benefit of going to a company office everyday – you’re forced to leave distractions at home. Using a cottage shed gets you out of the house, while allowing you to remain at home. Then, when the end of the day comes and it’s time to quit, you can leave your work in the cottage and enjoy your family.

4. A cottage shed allows you the space to get creative.

With an office in a cottage shed, you can use whatever decor you want to make it look exactly how you like. Do you prefer a brighter feel? Paint the interior with light, vibrant colors and install LED lighting. Prefer a more tranquil feel? Use dark colors and get sun-blocking shades for the windows. No matter what your taste, having a cottage shed allows you to create the office you’ve always wanted.

5. A cottage shed can be used as an actual office.

If you have face-to-face meetings with clients or collaborators, you probably get tired of meeting at noisy coffee shops. With a cottage workspace, you can have your meetings distraction-free. Place a coffee pot in the cottage and you get caffeine as well.

6. A cottage shed eliminates that frustrating commute.

Of course, if you’re already working from home, this one doesn’t really apply to you. But if you’re still commuting and you wouldn’t need to, consider how a cottage office could eliminate that unproductive time. With an office a few steps from your backdoor, you’ll get more done, save on gas, and feel less stressed.

This is why a cottage shed, installed in your backyard, can be helpful if you find yourself working from home. You can customize it to meet your work needs. It can be wired with electricity and wi-fi, decorated to your taste, and set up for your precise working needs. Here are six simple, yet remarkable ways a cottage shed can improve your work.